Twilight Full Moon Yoga and Cacao
Sunday July 21st 18.30 – 20.30
A leisurely slow practice incorporating movement and focused breathing, the Parvatasana’s.
Lunar based elements in the postures and breathing techniques, followed on by a soothing blended warm cup of cacao.
£30 booking essential – find email on contact page
As usual Blackwell Village Hall CV36 4PQ
Yoga Workshops
Blackwell Village Hall CV36 4PQ
Upcoming Saturday Mornings Yoga 9.30 – 12.30
July 6th
August 3rd
September 14th
October 12th
Blackwell Village Hall
Armscote Road
CV36 4PE
Everyone Welcome just turn up with your mat and props – no previous experience needed, all levels of inflexibility catered for!
any questions get in touch for more info –
Asana, Pranayama and Meditation
09.30 – 11.20 Asana physical practice
11.20 – 11.40 tea break
11.40 – 12.30 Breath and Meditate
come and see what Yoga can do for you
October 7th – November 4th – December 2nd 2023
9.30-12.00 Blackwell Village Hall
Armscote Rd CV36 4PE
Starting the day with a traditional classical Yoga Asana class
Followed by Pranayama (proper breathing) and Dhyana (meditation)
There’ll be opening up stretches, followed by classical Hatha Yoga positions which will include standing, seated and reclining postures.
This workshop is for anyone with an interest in wellbeing; it acts on all levels, mind, body and spirit.
You will need to be able to get up and down from the floor.
Please bring a yoga mat, shawl/blanket and a cushion.
Or DM on FB Jan Yoga
9.15 am registration
Fee tiers – waged £30 unwaged £20 or donation.
Yoga Workshop in The Paddocks Yarnton Village Hall OX5 1TE
Sunday 9th July
Delightful sessions of Yoga Asana to suit the season, weather and mood
Plus a dedicated hour to proper breathing (Pranayama) and Meditation (Dhyana)
Asana 09.30 – 11.30
Tea – fruits/snacks
Pranayama 12.00 – 13.00
Dahl lunch 13-14.00
Saturday Morning Yoga Special Workshop
June 17th 09.15 – 11.30
Blackwell Village Hall
Armscote Rd CV36 4PE
Kick start the day with a traditional classical Yoga Asana class
Followed by Pranayama (proper breathing) and Dhyana (meditation)
There’ll be opening up stretches, followed by classical Hatha Yoga positions which will include standing, seated and reclining postures.
This workshop is for anyone with an interest in wellbeing, it acts on all levels, mind, body and spirit.
You will need to be able to get up and down from the floor, bring a yoga mat, shawl/blanket and a cushion.
Or DM on FB Jan Yoga
Fee tiers: £30 or £20 or pay what you can
9am registration
2 Yoga Workshops coming up in The Paddocks Yarnton Village Hall OX5 1TE
Sunday 21st May and 9th July
Delightful sessions of Yoga Asana to suit the season, weather and mood
Plus a dedicated hour to proper breathing (Pranayama) and Meditation (Dhyana)
Asana 09.30 – 11.30
Tea – fruits/snacks
Pranayama 12.00 – 13.00
Asana class followed by a Yoga Nidra
This will be a mellow slow session working with longer holds, and less effort, or as much as you need on the day – using belts and props to sustain the work.
A Yoga Nidra after to settle and rest deeply
A lovely way to end a week and begin anew.
With your mat you will need a yoga belt, blocks, bricks, blanket/shawl and cushion/pillow. Quiet space in which to settle for Yoga Nidra
Easy like Sunday morning!
Please get in touch for the Zoom link
Scroll down for workshop archives.
Sunday April 24th 10.00-12.00
Live on Zoom
2 hours of Asana and Savasana
use the contact page to get in touch and receive the link
Yoga Workshop
Saturday April 3rd
Anjaneya Anjaneya Anjaneya Hanuman!
An Asana practice of 2 hours, followed by an hour of proper breathing and rest
Let’s work toward Anjaneyasana (or Hanumanasana) commonly called “the splits”
Opening the lower back and hips, back of the legs/hamstrings, abdominals and shoulders! We will have a slow build up and opening of the back and legs before settling into the full posture.
Faith, devotion, agility, courage and speed are a few of the qualities of Hanuman/Anjaneya the monkey god.
He is half human and combines exceptional compassion with great strength
Let us try our hand at limbering the body in readiness for Hanumanasana!
Apart from our usual mat belt and blocks we will need some extra padding, a bolster or rolled up towels or firm cushions that can stack and/or support the towels.
Spring Yoga Workshop
Saturday 6th March
The forces of change can be felt strongly at this time of year
We can use Yoga to help the natural process of detox to help us feel easier in mind and body.
The liver is the largest internal organ and second largest to the skin.
Skin and liver work in tandem; they are both organs of elimination
Help one help both.
Erroneously the liver is thought to be connected to alcohol consumption alone!
It has many roles which includes making safe any ingested intoxicant, and is the only organ which can regenerate itself.
A few of its many functions are; filtering blood, rich with nutrients coming directly from the digestive tract; making bile to emulsify dietary fats, storage of sugars needed for energy, blood clotting, builds proteins for body repairs, absorption of fat soluble vitamins A D E K, activation of enzymes, regulation of hormones and destruction of old red blood cells.
In Kerala (at least) they call their sweethearts “my liver”
A quality inspired by the liver is kindness.
A few helpers….Turmeric, Milk Thistle (complex), Dandelion, Peppermint tea, green clothes and food, twists, back bends, skin brushing and Castor oil packing.
February Yoga Workshop
Saturday 6th
Opening up the Chest
This workshop focus is on the lungs’ health
We’ll create space in the chest, open up the Thoracic Spine and the muscles between the ribs, the intercostals.
Also we will spread the upper back and chest, create space for the lung tissue to stretch and expand.
Plenty of spinal limbering, back arching and heavy breathing!
This workshop will be aimed at lifting the spirits and help keep the lung tissue healthy and clear.
Live on Zoom
Yoga Workshop
Live on Zoom
Saturday 9th January 09.30 – 12.30
General Class which will include Proper Breathing
Saturday 5th December
For women only.
A session of Yoga Asana and self-massage
This workshop will take the form of practicing Asana’s and doing self-massage in turn.
The massage will be done over the clothes.
We will start with abdominal massage geared to releasing tension from the breathing diaphragm to the pelvic floor/diaphragm and progress around the body
We shall proceed to Pranayama (proper breathing)